Friday, December 7, 2018

Hour of Code Week!

This past week FCE students participated in Hour of Code in Technology.  Hour of Code is designed to introduce Computer Science to all kids around the world for free. This is the 6th year that FCE has participated in the Hour of Code event.
Colorado is implementing Computer Science standards for High School students, and have pushed down recommendations for Middle and Elementary. This school year, your 1st - 6th grade students, are working in the program. This curriculum is designed to teach the fundamentals of coding using block code.

Ask your child/children to show you the puzzles they were working on for Hour of Code!

Saturday, September 29, 2018

What we have been up to in Technology this Year

In Kindergarten we have been working on learning how to use a digital drawing tool to draw a picture and using a text box to type our names.  We also have been working on how to use an algorithm (set of directions) to program our BeeBots around the Community Map.  It has been fun watching all the collaboration and fixing problems that program creates.

In First Grade we have been working on learning some "important" keyboard keys (delete, spacebar, shift, period, return keys). This was important information as we used Word and Photo Booth to create a document with an image and a typed sentence.  We have also been working on our iPads exploring and learning the PuppetPal application. We are learning about story elements, and will be creating our own stories using the app PuppetPals at the end of the semester.

In Second Grade we have been persevering with our Google Account logins. This is the year that students have access to their Google Suite to enhance learning. This is also the year that students begin using the Typing Pal tool to support their learning of this skill.  Students were asked to use the Google Drawing tool to show a time that they had to use Perseverance. They had great success logging into their accounts and using this digital tool, we had fun taking a Gallery Walk to see everyone's drawings.

In Third Grade, we have been busy creating a spreadsheet to track our Typing Pal growth from now through 6th grade. We also worked on reviewing how to use Keywords for Google Searches. This will help with digital research for their Expeditions. We had fun role playing being a Google Search Engine and trying to guess what someone was wanting to look up.  We have just now moved onto using the Google Earth tool to explore what an Urban, Suburban, and Rural community might look like in real life.  This is a fun tool to use!

In Fourth Grade we have been very busy creating our Blogs. Students have been watching video tutorials to create a Blog using design principles and lots of creativity. It is a fun and timely, but look for some of their writing to have a larger audience.

In Fifth Grade we started working in, and learning some Computer Science fundamentals. To kick off the course we started with an Unplugged activity called GraphPaper Programing. This activity helps to develop the connection between code and what it can produce. We then ventured into the plugged activity puzzles using block coding. We will follow this course intermittently throughout the year.  We just kicked off Strategic Searching to support finding digital research needed for our Expeditions.  Learning to use some of the tricks for more successful searches. 

Lastly, in Sixth Grade we have been busy reviewing Citizenship around our Digital Footprint and Respecting Creative Work. These lessons were gateways to creating our Digital Portfolios. This year sixth grade will create a Google Site as the tool to share their Digital Passage Portfolios. We also used the Vertical Day to have fun with a Breakout EDU game on Digital Citizenship. Students needed to solve different puzzles on citizenship, to open locks, to save lost passwords that fell into the wrong hands.

New School Year!

We kicked off the new school year gathering base Typing Speed scores, and going over Computer Lab norms.
All 2nd - 6th graders at FCE have access to a typing program call Typing Pal for free.  As with any new skill, practice is a major component of success in learning the new skill.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

More of What's Happening in Technology!

In Kindergarten we used Educreations, an iPad application, to create a short video telling about the features of the Monsters we drew.  Below is a sample of our videos.

Click Here to watch the Video

5th Grade is learning how to keep a digital checkbook ledger using Google Sheets. They worked to format their spreadsheets to calculate the money in their accounts. We then played a "Money" game to experience the flow of money in and out of the ledger.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Some Fun Things Happening in Technology

We brought the Google Expedition kits into the school this past week for 2nd, 3rd and 6th Grade.
Sixth Grade traveled to Machu Picchu and also explored Aztec and Mayan Ruins. Third Grade explored different rock formations and took notes to begin their case study.  Crystal Winter's class used the view finders to explore animals in the rainforest and around the Great Barrier Reef. This was the first time that Crystal's class ventured on a virtual field trip - they were so excited!

Our First Grade classes are working on some different ways to research like a scientist. They worked very hard to write their question/wondering, and then used the ipad to research on Kiddle Search Engine for an answer. It was fun learning that an Earthworm has five hearts!

Friday, March 16, 2018

A Few Special Expedition Logo Designs

Our 1st thru 6th Graders worked on creating a logo design to represent their group. The following images are only a few of the amazing designs that the students created.  It is impressive how well they did navigating a digital drawing tool.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Virtual Field Trips in 3rd and 4th Grade

This week our 3rd and 4th grade classes used the Google Expedition view finders to gather some background on their grade level Expeditions.
Fourth grade did some research on the Gold Rush. Third grade worked on understanding Fossils and Volcanos.